Last week of the transfer, and of Elder Christensen's training. Ah! So weird. I can't believe it. This week Elder Christensen and I are having a "Spanish party." aka trying to speak as much Spanish as possible and cut out the English in order to help him better. Most of his training we've spoke a good mix of the two, so this will definitely help.
Long walks through the middle of nowhere
Last week was different than normal with conferences and what not, but everything went super well. The sweet pork salads turned out delicious. thanks for the recipe mom. We had thirty people there so we had to start cooking and food prep the day before. Everyone loved it though. We definitely got a standing ovation and President and Sister Cifuentes told me the next day at Stake Conference in Olavarria: "We thought about it and decided that the lunch yesterday was the best thing we've eaten since being here in Argentina." Wussup! haha it was fun. That night after the zone conference and a lesson with Patricia and her family we went out for ice cream at Figlio (ate it at the top of the Tandil castle) with the AP's, Zone leaders, and Elder Frischknect who was here to do house inspections. That was a great time and it was fun to see them again. I'll send pics. Also Stake Conference was really cool in Olavarria. Good to see my old area again and the people there. I wasn't able to sneak away to see any investigators, unfortunately, but I saw a lot of members. I heard from my old bishop that Nadia and her husband Nicolas are inactive right now and that Nadia's sister convinced her to go back to a church called "Cosecha Mundial" with her. Super sad, I'm going to try to send her a letter or something. Keep her in your prayers.
Kitchen crew
Frischknecht and Jolley reunited
Lunch is served
Now I know how it feels to be whipped around in the back of the truck. #karma
Ice cream on top of Tandil
Bus ride with no AC. Hotter than infierno
On the bright side of things. We now have TWO baptisms this weekend. Yep! Patricia's sister Belen has also decided to be baptized. They will both be interviewed tomorrow and the baptism will take place at 4 on Saturday, and they will be confirmed on Sunday. We're pumped and they seem excited as well. We've now had two really great family nights with them, and the one we had yesterday went so well. Patricia made all the assignments and we barely participated. It was great. We also watched The Restoration movie and everyone was locked in the whole time. Except her mom in the back who was wrestling with her grandson (the son of Soledad) Bautista (what a great name, right? Baptist :)). Then on the way home last night we tried to be creative and find a shortcut through the wilderness to get home faster and ended up getting very stuck in the wilderness and we got home late. Whoops. Bad dad..
First Ruiz Family FHE!
Blueberry muffins for FHE
Chasin the gooses
Ruiz FHE round #2
Celebratings Mia's (Belen's daughter) birthday.
Sunday, we had a read-a-thon after stake conference to catch up on our Book of Mormon reading goal, and we made pumpkin pie to celebrate Thanksgiving. Normally I'm not a pumpkin pie fan, but this was good. Reminded me of Thanksgiving too, so that was nice.
P-day Eve Sleepover
Pumpkin Pie
100 contacts of November
Missionary tanlines 👌
Love you all! Keep us in your prayers so we can have a bomb last week of the transfer and that these baptisms go smoothly.
Happy December!
Elder Jolley